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The following is an e-mail exchange between us and Ava’s caseworker, regarding her upcoming reunification. As you can see from the e-mails, we felt that DHS was doing a poor job of handling the “transition” and we were doing our best to advocate for Ava and her mom


Tuesday, 10:08 am
To: Aaron and Jewell
From: Ava’s CW
Subject: transition!

Hi there –

Sounds like you both are already aware of the pending move this weekend for Bio-Mom and Ava!  I just got off the phone with Bio-Mom, and had an email from *The Home* just a couple hours ago confirming that they have an opening for this Saturday.  I am awaiting confirmation/agreement from all the legal parties before this is official, so will keep you posted.  Feel free to email any questions you may have in the interim.  I am headed out for a meeting but will return by noon.  Thanks!

Ava’s CW

Tuesday, 10:02 pm
To: Ava’s CW, Lawyer, Certifier
From: Aaron and Jewell
Subject: re: transition!


Prior to your e-mail this morning, we were unaware of the reunification occurring this coming Saturday. We did have a very awkward correspondence with Bio-Mom over the weekend, when she contacted us on Saturday to tell us that she was moving in to *The Home* this last Sunday. Because we were unaware how reunification works, we suggested she contact you to clarify what needs to happen. We then heard from her on Sunday that she went out to *The Home* to move in, but was turned away because Ava was not with her.

Again, for the record, we would like to state our concern with the lack of transition that is occurring because of the requirements of this facility.  We believe that 4-days notice of a move away from your husband, son, step-daughter, and mother-in-law to a different part of town, along with reunification, is a lot to account for and not adequate time to prepare or set-up a support system and safety plan.  Furthermore, we feel that Bio-Mom has not been allowed the opportunity to demonstrate that she is ready for reunification, and jump from 11-hours/week of supervised visits in a safe and supervised location with all resources provided to her, to 24/7 care of Ava in a brand-new environment.  We believe a transition period of unsupervised visits, working toward overnight visits, and then reunification is more appropriate.  We believe that this could be achieved over a 30-day period, upon placement in an approved housing situation.

We were under the impression that with court on Friday, all parties could come together at court and discuss a transition plan for increasing visits and responsibility for Bio-Mom, so that we could move toward reunification when appropriate housing is found.  The requirements of this living situation do not feel appropriate to this case, and we are concerned about the likelihood of Ava re-entering the care of DHS due to rushed reunification, either because Bio-Mom has not had the adequate time to prepare for transition, or because this placement is only for 4-months.


Wednesday, 2:55pm
To: Aaron and Jewell
From: Ava’s CW
Subject: re: transition!

Hi Aaron and Jewell –

I have received agreement from all the legal parties in regards to reunification occurring this coming Saturday.  In speaking with Bio-Mom, she expressed her interest in staying in contact with you both, and indicated that you three had discussed this already.  I appreciate your willingness to be a support to both Bio-Mom and Ava moving forward, and agree it is in Ava’s best interest to maintain her connection with you.

Are you comfortable meeting Bio-Mom at *The Home* on Saturday to drop Ava off?  I have not yet been given specifics in regards to what time of day this will occur, so please let me know if you have any conflicts.  I do know that *The Home* can sometimes be available to assist with transportation if needed.

I am aware that Bio-Mom no longer has any of Ava’s belongings and I have asked her to make a list of what is needed and will see if our agency can assist as much as possible.  *The Home* may have access to some resources as well.

See you in court on Friday, thanks,
Ava’s CW

Thursday, 11:51am
To: Ava’s CW
From: Jewell and Aaron
Subject: re: transition!

We will need to get a babysitter for Sabrina, but we can make it work. Let us know the details on drop off when you get them. We will be giving Bio-Mom a crib, clothes, and toys.


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